Monday, April 5, 2010

Mayan Tarot: Recharge

1. Ace of Cups -Reversed
This is the card of stagnation. All the yummy drink is falling out of the cup, leaving you with an empty chalice.

2. The Sacrificed (The Hanged Man)-Reversed
This card represents a lack of commitment toward a goal. The booklet that goes with this deck suggests that my consciousness will be altered in order to understand higher truths.

3. Four of Swords-Reversed
This card represents forced retreat and depression, particularly against the forces of the jungle in this deck.

This reading doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, so I asked my Patron Mayan God, Cama Zotz, to pull a card for me. It’s not pictured.

He gave me two, obviously to be read together.
Three of Pentacles and Ace of Wands (reversed)
The Three of Pentacles represents storing energy in order to share. The Reversed Ace of Wands represents energy and strength coming from within.

Overall: Together, these cards mean I need to “recharge” in order to share what I have learned, or am learning, with the world.