Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Necronomicon Tarot: Two Readings In One!

1. Temperance (The Reanimators)
This card fell neatly out, which is why I placed it about the other cards. This card represents renewal and harmony. My parents come home today, and the house finally won’t feel so scary, which I think is why the harmony card showed up. I’ve been a mess and it’s beginning to make me feel sick, so it’s going to be great having a harmonious home by tonight.

2. Justice (Spawn of Cthulhu in Sphere)
Again, this is a card of balance, like the Temperance card. I’ve had to keep the house in order with cleaning (ugh) for the past week, and today I’m finishing up the garbage. I think this card represents that, because if I don’t do it, there will be a lot of fighting, but if I do, there will be “justice” because I did it and my mom doesn’t have to.
The image on the card, the Cthulhu baby in a cage, kind of reminds me of this week. I’ve been pretty much locked up in the house, save for an hour I walked to Shoppers yesterday.

3. Knave of Wands (Overseer)
This is another young woman that represents me. She has short hair and tomorrow I’m getting my hair cut short as well. She looks like she doesn’t care what others think of her. I think this card addresses my fear of starting school on Friday. (sorry about the lensflare)

4. Tower (Great Ziggurat)
This is the card of ambition. Though it is a lighting-struck tower, it doesn’t always mean disaster, and I think in my case, it does not. This card shows a magnificent accomplishment, the Great Ziggurat. As I said before, it shows an ambition plan. I think it reflects my future plans, which are quite grand. I think I have to be cautious of course, and not get caught up in some of my family and friends dreaming.

There are two distinct readings here: the first about my parents, the second about my future.

The first reading, the one about my parents, it’s a really good reading, as everything is going to go back to normal. I’m going to start feeling like myself again.

The second reading, about my future, is really keeping some things in check. The Knave of Wands card says that I can’t care what other people think of me, as long as I keep my end goal in mind, they don’t matter in the end. The second card represents that I can’t get wrapped up with what my friends and family think of my future, because it’s doomed to fail.
I’ve only really talked about my future plans with two people, though both are supportive, one gets some very elaborate ideas (for everyone) and sometimes she doesn’t quite think everything though as well as I would hope she would. Anyway, I have to not get wrapped up in her lack of planning and foresight, but to use her ideas and plan everything else out myself.